° Reputable Firm
We have the ability to screen candidates quickly and to get insightful information from superiors, peers and subordinates, many of whom know our firm and want to be helpful.

° Quality over Quantity
We know that speed is paramount in filling a position. We will not, however, let the need for quick action impair our judgment in the recruitment process. We develop an understanding of your business environment and values so that candidates presented to you fit your culture.

° Confidential Service
We are very cognizant of the need for confidentiality. You will be providing us with important information about your company and we understand that you want it handled in the most sensitive and professional way.

° Extensive Database
We own and maintain a long-standing database with thousands of relevant records immediately available to us. In addition, we have contacts in nationwide organizations, which can provide additional resources. As part of the research process we access multiple databases, candidate and company files in order to identify appropriate targets.

° Professional Screening
Since only professionals in our firm will manage a search and because they make their own calls, we are usually able to screen candidates accurately on the first contact and move on to a personal interview as appropriate. We also have the opportunity to influence the reactions of the prospective candidate, which is critical to the development of a well rounded candidate field.

° Solution Providers
We have developed an eye for the kinds of people who fit in various situations. Our experience over many years enables us to effectively screen and understand the components of a position and related dynamics.

° Package Consulting
Our knowledge of organizational and compensation issues is very helpful in assisting you in structuring the job and working out a mutually satisfactory compensation package. We are often called upon to provide advice in this area.

° Successful Placements
We have an enviable record of successfully completing assignments and the candidates we place remain in their jobs for many years.